
European Commission Report on Kosovo: There is limited progress in freedom of expression, there have been developments perceived as attempts by the Government to control the media


On Wednesday, the European Commission published the Progress Report for 2024, where in the section on freedom of expression it is estimated that Kosovo has made "limited progress".

The report also highlights developments that have taken place in Kosovo, which have been perceived as attempts by the Government to exercise control over the media.

This year's Progress Report raises concerns about the instability of the public broadcaster and the many resignations among executives and senior board members, emphasizing that the public broadcaster must quickly address concerns related to editorial accountability and independence.

As for attacks against journalists, the Progress Report points out that there still remains a level of impunity.

Finally, the Progress Report states that the Commission's Recommendations from last year have not been implemented and remain valid.

In the coming year, according to the recommendations of the Progress Report, Kosovo should, in particular:
→ improve the capacity of prosecutorial, judicial and law enforcement authorities to handle cases related to freedom of expression;
→ develop protocols and training for the protection and safety of journalists, including early warning and rapid response mechanisms; improving the working conditions of journalists and media workers; and strengthen professional reporting;
→ ensure the implementation of the new Law on the Independent Media Commission ensuring full harmonization with the EU acquis and European standards; and revising the Law on Radio and Television of Kosovo to ensure stable funding, while maintaining its independence.

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