
Dangerous language against the media, Prishtina, 08.12.2024

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, has used the meeting of his party, Vetëvendosje, where he was nominated for prime minister, to make another unacceptable attack on the media.

In his speech, among other things, Kurti said that “the media for every attack and aggression by Serbia against our state, always found the culprit in our government, but never in Serbia, they do not deserve your attention”.

Reporter Details
Case description “Never have the media been so much against the government than in this four-year period of ours. I believe that this is for two reasons or perhaps fundamental causes. The first, because we do not pay them. The second, because now the media is no longer afraid of the government”, said Kurti. AJK strongly condemns this offensive and very dangerous language of Prime Minister Kurti, who ranks the Kosovo media alongside Serbia. Such unacceptable language coming from the head of government directly endangers the safety of journalists and other media workers.
State Kosovo
Name and Surname
Gender Male
Date 8.12.2024
Type of Incident Attacks on media outlets and organizations
From who By public officials
The Offender / Suspect Albin Kurti
Type of media
Media Name
Source Public statement
Public Prosecutor
Judiciary Status
Legal Closure
Has the Journalist Association been notified?
Has the incident been reported to the authorities?
Has the incident been reported to the XXX?
Associations Respond It is high time that Mr. Kurti stopped using such hateful language towards the media, which is then reflected and multiplied by many of his voters. In respect of media freedom and freedom of expression, journalists and the media in Kosovo must be allowed to carry out their work to hold the government accountable, without being hindered or intimidated by the authorities.
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