
Day 3 of the Kosovo Journalists' Study Visit to Northern Ireland

Day 3 of the Kosovo Journalists' Study Visit to Northern Ireland

On Wednesday, we explored the rich history, and heard powerful stories of Derry/Londonderry, starting with a walk over the Pace Bridge, symbolizing the city’s journey towards reconciliation. After the walk, we were welcomed by Gerard Deane at Holywell Trust…

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Day 2 of the Kosovo Journalists' Study Visit to Northern Ireland

Day 2 of the Kosovo Journalists' Study Visit to Northern Ireland

The second day of Kosovo journalists' visit in Belfast continued with speakers from politics, media, and civil society, bringing new and unique perspectives on peace journalism. We began the day with a session by Matthew O’Toole, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Northern Ireland…

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Kosovo journalists study visit to Northern Ireland kicks off

Kosovo journalists study visit to Northern Ireland kicks off

A group of 10 journalists from different ethnic communities in Kosovo, kicked off a 4 day study visit to Northern Ireland. The visit to Belfast started with engaging presentations by Prof. Steven Youngblood, Xhemajl Rexha from AJK, and Allan Leonard from SharedFuture News. Prof.

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QUINT embassies mark Ukraine's Independence Day

QUINT embassies mark Ukraine's Independence Day

German Embassy in Pristina, U.S. Embassy in Pristina, Kosovo, Ambasciata d'Italia a Pristina, Embassy of Italy in Pristina, Ambassade de France au Kosovo, French Embassy in Kosovo, British Embassy in Pristina, European Union in Kosovo, European Center for Press and Media Freedom, ECPMF…

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"Si e ka zakoni!": Kërkesa për "testim" virgjëriteti, rritë atë për himenoplastikë

"Si e ka zakoni!": Kërkesa për "testim" virgjëriteti, rritë atë për himenoplastikë

Autore: Albina Kastrati … “Ma kanë lshu qikën se nuk ka qenë e virgjër, a bon me ma kontrollu”, Është një nga rastet që ka hasur gjatë karrierës së saj, specialistja e mjekësisë ligjore, Bergita Curri.

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Ukrainian journalists in Kosovo celebrate Independence Day

Ukrainian journalists in Kosovo celebrate Independence Day

On the 33rd anniversary of Ukraine's Independence Day, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo hosted a reception for Ukrainian journalists sheltered in Kosovo within the "Journalists in Residence" program. The reception was attended by the German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rhode…

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Mbahet trajnimi për sigurinë fizike të gazetarëve të mediave lokale

Mbahet trajnimi për sigurinë fizike të gazetarëve të mediave lokale

Në kuadër të projektit Akademia për Integritetin e Informacionit, i mbështetur nga NDI Kosovo dhe USAID Kosovo, pas nënshkrimit të memorandumeve të bashkëpunimit me gazetarët e mediave lokale, u mbajt trajnimi për sigurinë fizike të gazetarëve të mediave lokale. Një pjesën e parë…

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With the support of British Council, AJK initiates the Informal Network for Women Journalists

With the support of British Council, AJK initiates the Informal Network for Women Journalists

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo, with the support of British Council Kosovo, has started the work on the Informal Network for Women Journalists. Getoarbë Mulliqi, Executive Director of AJK and Artiola Babuni, Projects Coordinator…

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Ukrainian and Afghan journalists continue their training in transitional journalism

Ukrainian and Afghan journalists continue their training in transitional journalism

The training for Ukrainian and Afghan journalists in transitional journalism continued on August 20 and 21. Xhemajl Rexha provided a session on reporting about the past, sharing examples of reporting on Kosovo. Furthermore…

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Journalists obstructed while doing their job in Prishtina

Journalists obstructed while doing their job in Prishtina

Today, journalists Gresa Nitaj from Klan Kosova, Leonita Bajrami from Top Channel, and Venhar Isufi from Tëvë1, and camera operators Arben Restelica, Edon Hogjagjiku and Valdrin Abazi, were obstructed while reporting on a murder that took place last night in Kodra e Trimave, in Prishtina.

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AJK submits to the Constitutional Court comments on the Law on the Independent Media Commission

AJK submits to the Constitutional Court comments on the Law on the Independent Media Commission

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo submitted today to the Constitutional Court its comments regarding the Law on the Independent Media Commission (IMC). We argue that the procedure followed during the law-making and the articles that regulate the composition and operation of the commission…

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Rikthimi te abuzuesi, një realitet i rreth 80% të grave në Kosovë

Rikthimi te abuzuesi, një realitet i rreth 80% të grave në Kosovë

Autore: Suada Qorraj … Dhuna ndaj grave është një problem i vazhdueshëm dhe sfidues në Kosovë. Sipas të dhënave të Policisë së Kosovës, numri i rasteve të dhunës në familje mbetet i lartë. Vetëm në vitin 2023, u raportuan 2,460 raste të dhunës…

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President Osmani's call for media investigations is a dangerous precedent 

President Osmani's call for media investigations is a dangerous precedent 

The Association of Kosovo Journalists (AJK) views President Vjosa Osmani's recent call for investigations into media outlets, particularly Nacionale and its head Berat Buzhala, as a dangerous and unacceptable precedent. In a public post today on Facebook…

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SafeJournalists: Police Threats of Criminal Charges Against Media in Albania are Unacceptable

SafeJournalists: Police Threats of Criminal Charges Against Media in Albania are Unacceptable

The SafeJournalists Network expresses deep concern over the recent statements made by Police Director General Muhamet Rrumbullaku regarding media coverage of the tragic death of a citizen in Pogradec city…

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SafeJournalists and EFJ: We urge Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić to refrain from attacking journalists

SafeJournalists and EFJ: We urge Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić to refrain from attacking journalists

On 11 August 2024, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić verbally abused journalists from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Kosovo during a press conference in Belgrade on the occasion of the rally against the Serbian government’s approval of lithium ore mining in Serbia.

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Government of Kosovo to host more Ukrainian journalists

Government of Kosovo to host more Ukrainian journalists

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has decided to host more Ukrainian journalists in Kosovo as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine. During today's meeting, the government approved changes to the amendment of the decision made in 2022…

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Yll Zekaj continues his role as a legal consultant at AJK

Yll Zekaj continues his role as a legal consultant at AJK

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo, with financial assistance provided by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, has selected Yll Zekaj as a legal consultant to provide legal assistance to the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and its members. For AJK…

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Dangerous statements made by Sami Kurteshi of Vetëvendosje against media

Dangerous statements made by Sami Kurteshi of Vetëvendosje against media

The member of Vetëvendosje in the Central Election Commission (CEC), Sami Kurteshi, criticized the media today during a public address regarding the case of the activist Astrit Dehari. Kurteshi has accused Klan Kosova, Express, and RTK: "of playing a negative and disinformation role…

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Dita e katërt e programit Gazetaria e Paqes

Dita e katërt e programit Gazetaria e Paqes

On the fourth day of the Kosovo Study Visit, the group began their day at the Barabar Centre, where Kushtrim Koliqi, Executive Director of Integra, introduced them to the Barabar Spaces. They engaged in a meaningful discussion on the media's role in addressing the past and shaping collective memory.

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Third day of  Peace Journalism Project

Third day of Peace Journalism Project

We began the third day of the study visit, with a session led by Steven Youngblood, who focused on the language and narratives of peace journalism. He gave the journalists an introduction to peace journalism, explaining its key characteristics and principles.

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