
Threats against the lives of the journalist, Vullnet Krasniqi, Prishtinë, 26.06.2024

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is alarmed after journalist Vullnet Krasniqi received death threats today.

Krasniqi received a death threat from a resident of the Preshevo Valley, as seen in a video posted on TikTok.

"I'm in Pristina, I will pull your teeth with pliers, f ***your family, I will pull a bullet to you, I know the exact address of your apartment, don't go to your village, don't call the police," the person can be heard saying in the video.

AJK has reached out to journalist Krasniqi, who has stated that he is currently in the process of reporting the threat to the Kosovo Police.

At AJK, we are very much troubled about the threat made against journalist Krasniqi. This situation is alarming and needs to be addressed. We urge the Kosovo Police to take the necessary steps to locate the person responsible for the threat against Krasniqi.

We are deeply concerned about Krasniqi's physical safety, so we urge Kosovo Police to provide him with the necessary protection.

Reporter Details Threats against the lives of the journalist, Vullnet Krasniqi, Prishtinë, 26.06.2024
Case description The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is alarmed after journalist Vullnet Krasniqi received death threats today. Krasniqi received a death threat from a resident of the Preshevo Valley, as seen in a video posted on TikTok. "I'm in Pristina, I will pull your teeth with pliers, f ***your family, I will pull a bullet to you, I know the exact address of your apartment, don't go to your village, don't call the police," the person can be heard saying in the video.
State Kosovo
Name and Surname Vullnet Krasniqi
Gender Male
Date 26.6.2024
City Prishtinë
Type of Incident Threats against the lives and lims of journalists
From who To journalists by citizens
The Offender / Suspect
Type of media Online
Media Name Sateliti
Source TikTok
Public Prosecutor
Judiciary Status
Legal Closure
Has the Journalist Association been notified? Yes
Has the incident been reported to the authorities? Yes
Has the incident been reported to the XXX?
Associations Respond AJK has reached out to journalist Krasniqi, who has stated that he is currently in the process of reporting the threat to the Kosovo Police. At AJK, we are very much troubled about the threat made against journalist Krasniqi. This situation is alarming and needs to be addressed. We urge the Kosovo Police to take the necessary steps to locate the person responsible for the threat against Krasniqi. We are deeply concerned about Krasniqi's physical safety, so we urge Kosovo Police to provide him with the necessary protection.
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